Club S.E.A. Sala Pergolesi

Milan - Malpensa (MXP) Terminal 1 (Non-Schengen), Central Satellite, near gate B
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The basics
Bathroom: yesBusiness Center: yesComplimentary Wi-Fi: yesShowers: yesFamily Room: noSmoking Room: no
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Overall ratings

  • Bartek

    It is an ok lounge. Feels very basement-like and stuffy because it doesnt have any windows. The floor and tables were dirty. The lighting was bad and very office like without feeling warm and inviting. The food was basic, a few kind of sandwiches during the day, small salads in plastic containers, small fruit salads in plastic containers, plastic utensils. The alcohol choices were good and self-serve. The bathroom were very clean and nice.

  • Leumas

    This lounge is outdated and under served. It feels like a hospital waiting room. The staff is cranky and barks out orders as to where people are and aren’t allowed to sit.

    Food and drink offerings are much less than the other Milan lounges. Honestly it makes more sense to sit in one of the many new restaurants that have sprung up just outside of the duty free mall that they force you to walk through.

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