First Class Lounge

- Complimentary snacks
- Complimentary finger food
- Complimentary soft drinks
- Complimentary house wine and beer
- Complimentary liquor
The First Class Lounge offers travelers a private retreat with a selection of food and drinks, showers, expedited private security, and a car ride to their aircraft for £95 per person. At £35 per person, the Business Lounge is a cheaper alternative, but passengers are required to check-in with their airline and then return to the main terminal for security prior to boarding.
The First Class Lounge is not available to passengers of British Airways, Luxair, Aurigny and Skywork, as the airlines don’t allow customers to be driven to the aircraft.
Description courtesy of London City airport:
Our First Class Lounge sits in the heart of the Private Jet Centre Facility; home to the business and wealthy flyers and boasts global comfort worth travelling for. Passengers departing have the luxury of being collected from the terminal or airport car park and transported directly to the lounge where a selection of food and refreshments awaits their appetite, then being escorted direct to their aircraft ready for departure. Arriving passengers have no queues to contend with, with a hassle-free journey back into London.
The First Class Lounge is available to all passengers, regardless of airline or class of service, for £95 per person. Book online.
The First Class Lounge is not available to passengers of British Airways, Luxair, Aurigny and Skywork, as the airlines don't allow customers to be driven to the aircraft.